

ホーム 倉 庫 備忘録 にっき




① 1マスおきに設置した壁から上下左右からランダムに選んだ方向に新たな壁を生やす。また、この手順で生成した迷路には経路の空きが多すぎる(迷路が簡単すぎる)ため、各壁において一定の確率でもう一度手順1を行い2個目の壁を生やす。

② 壁の当たり判定を実装し、ユーザーを移動させる関数に組み込む。

③ 壁の生成とユーザーの位置を初期化する関数と、新たに生成した壁を全て破壊する関数を追加する。

④ 迷路ウィンドウとは別に、迷路の生成と乱数の調整が行えるウィンドウを実装する。(なんとなくそっちの方が格好良いから)



lim = 10

def ram():
    global walls, ent, lim
        lim = int( ent.get() )
        lim = 10
    walls = []
    for x in xs_z:
        for y in ys_z:
            if( random.randint( 0, 1 ) == 0 ):
                x_p, y_p = sel(), 0
                x_p, y_p = 0, sel()
            canvas.create_rectangle( x + x_p, y + y_p, x+25 + x_p, y+25 + y_p, tag = 'walls', fill = '#000000', outline = '#000000' )
            walls.append( [ x + x_p, y + y_p ] )
            if( random.randint( 0, lim ) == 0 ):
                if( random.randint( 0, 1 ) == 0 ):
                    x_p, y_p = sel(), 0
                    x_p, y_p = 0, sel()
                canvas.create_rectangle( x + x_p, y + y_p, x+25 + x_p, y+25 + y_p, tag = 'walls', fill = '#000000', outline = '#000000' )
                walls.append( [ x + x_p, y + y_p ] )

sel = lambda : 25 if( random.randint( 0, 1 ) == 0 ) else -25

def left( event ):
    global x0, y0, x1, y1, walls
    if( x0 > 0 ) and not ( ( xs[x0-1] in zs[0] ) and ( ys[y0] in zs[1] ) ) and not ( [ xs[x0-1], ys[y0] ] in walls ):
        canvas.delete( 'rec' )
        x0 -= 1
        x1 -= 1
        canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )
        restart( x0, y0 )

def right( event ):
    global x0, y0, x1, y1, walls
    if( x1 < 21 ) and not ( ( xs[x0+1] in zs[0] ) and ( ys[y0] in zs[1] ) ) and not ( [ xs[x0+1], ys[y0] ] in walls ):
        canvas.delete( 'rec' )
        x0 += 1
        x1 += 1
        canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )
        restart( x0, y0 )

def up( event ):
    global x0, y0, x1, y1, walls
    if( y0 > 0 ) and not ( ( xs[x0] in zs[0] ) and ( ys[y0-1] in zs[1] ) ) and not ( [ xs[x0], ys[y0-1] ] in walls ):
        canvas.delete( 'rec' )
        y0 -= 1
        y1 -= 1
        canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )
        restart( x0, y0 )

def down( event ):
    global x0, y0, x1, y1, walls
    if( y1 < 21 ) and not ( ( xs[x0] in zs[0] ) and ( ys[y0+1] in zs[1] ) ) and not ( [ xs[x0], ys[y0+1] ] in walls ):
        canvas.delete( 'rec' )
        y0 += 1
        y1 += 1
        canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )
        restart( x0, y0 )

バインドについての説明 バインドとは紐付けのようなもので、bind()関数を用いて特定の関数と特定の操作を紐付けすることである。 今回は以下のreset()関数をキーボードのEnterキー、及び画面上のボタンにバインドしている。
def reset( event ):
    global x0, y0, x1, y1
    canvas.delete( 'walls' )
    canvas.delete( 'rec' )
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = 0, 2, 1, 3
    canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )

def restart( x, y ):
    if( x == res_p - 1 ) and ( y == res_p - 1 ):
        global x0, y0, x1, y1
        canvas.delete( 'walls' )
        canvas.delete( 'rec' )
        x0, y0, x1, y1 = 0, 2, 1, 3
        canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )

man = t.Tk()
man.title( 'manager' )
man.geometry( '200x120' )
man[ 'background' ] = '#ffffff'

lab = t.Label( man, text = u'壁の重複変数', font = ( 'Arial', 15 ), background = '#ffffff' ) x = 10, y = 10 )
ent = t.Entry( man, font = ( 'Arial', 15 ), width = 8, justify = t.CENTER )
ent.insert( 0, '4' ) x = 105, y = 9 )
btn = t.Button( man, text = u'迷路の再生成\n[ Enter ]', font = ( 'Arial', 18 ), background = '#d0ffd0' ) x = 10, y = 45, width = 180, height = 60 )

btn.bind( '<Button-1>', reset )
man.bind( '<Return>', reset )



#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import tkinter as t, random
pad = [ 3, 3 ]
res_p = 21
xs, ys = [ pad[0] + x * 25 for x in range( res_p + 1 ) ], [ pad[1] + y * 25 for y in range( res_p + 1 ) ]

lim = 10

def alert():
    print( '\a', end='' )

def left( event ):
    global x0, y0, x1, y1, walls
    if( x0 > 0 ) and not ( ( xs[x0-1] in zs[0] ) and ( ys[y0] in zs[1] ) ) and not ( [ xs[x0-1], ys[y0] ] in walls ):
        canvas.delete( 'rec' )
        x0 -= 1
        x1 -= 1
        canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )
        restart( x0, y0 )

def right( event ):
    global x0, y0, x1, y1, walls
    if( x1 < 21 ) and not ( ( xs[x0+1] in zs[0] ) and ( ys[y0] in zs[1] ) ) and not ( [ xs[x0+1], ys[y0] ] in walls ):
        canvas.delete( 'rec' )
        x0 += 1
        x1 += 1
        canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )
        restart( x0, y0 )

def up( event ):
    global x0, y0, x1, y1, walls
    if( y0 > 0 ) and not ( ( xs[x0] in zs[0] ) and ( ys[y0-1] in zs[1] ) ) and not ( [ xs[x0], ys[y0-1] ] in walls ):
        canvas.delete( 'rec' )
        y0 -= 1
        y1 -= 1
        canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )
        restart( x0, y0 )

def down( event ):
    global x0, y0, x1, y1, walls
    if( y1 < 21 ) and not ( ( xs[x0] in zs[0] ) and ( ys[y0+1] in zs[1] ) ) and not ( [ xs[x0], ys[y0+1] ] in walls ):
        canvas.delete( 'rec' )
        y0 += 1
        y1 += 1
        canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )
        restart( x0, y0 )

def ram():
    global walls, ent, lim
        lim = int( ent.get() )
        lim = 10
    walls = []
    for x in xs_z:
        for y in ys_z:
            if( random.randint( 0, 1 ) == 0 ):
                x_p, y_p = sel(), 0
                x_p, y_p = 0, sel()
            canvas.create_rectangle( x + x_p, y + y_p, x+25 + x_p, y+25 + y_p, tag = 'walls', fill = '#000000', outline = '#000000' )
            walls.append( [ x + x_p, y + y_p ] )
            if( random.randint( 0, lim ) == 0 ):
                if( random.randint( 0, 1 ) == 0 ):
                    x_p, y_p = sel(), 0
                    x_p, y_p = 0, sel()
                canvas.create_rectangle( x + x_p, y + y_p, x+25 + x_p, y+25 + y_p, tag = 'walls', fill = '#000000', outline = '#000000' )
                walls.append( [ x + x_p, y + y_p ] )

sel = lambda : 25 if( random.randint( 0, 1 ) == 0 ) else -25

def reset( event ):
    global x0, y0, x1, y1
    canvas.delete( 'walls' )
    canvas.delete( 'rec' )
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = 0, 2, 1, 3
    canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )

def restart( x, y ):
    if( x == res_p - 1 ) and ( y == res_p - 1 ):
        global x0, y0, x1, y1
        canvas.delete( 'walls' )
        canvas.delete( 'rec' )
        x0, y0, x1, y1 = 0, 2, 1, 3
        canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )

app = t.Tk()
app.title( '迷路' )
app.geometry( '530x530' )
app.resizable( False, False )

canvas = t.Canvas( app, width = 525, height = 525 ) x = 0, y = 0 )

x0, y0, x1, y1 = 0, 0, 1, 1
canvas.create_rectangle( xs[x0], ys[y0], xs[x1], ys[y1], tag = 'rec', fill = '#ff5050', outline = '#000000' )
canvas.create_rectangle( xs[20], ys[20], xs[21], ys[21], tag = 'goal', fill = '#50ff50', outline = '#000000' )

xs_z = [ xs[i] for i in range( len(xs) ) if i % 2 != 0 ]
ys_z = [ ys[i] for i in range( len(xs) ) if i % 2 != 0 ]
zs = xs_z, ys_z

for x in xs_z:
    for y in ys_z:
        canvas.create_rectangle( x, y, x+25, y+25, tag = 'default', fill = '#000000', outline = '#000000' )


app.bind( '<Key-Left>', left )
app.bind( '<Key-Right>', right )
app.bind( '<Key-Up>', up )
app.bind( '<Key-Down>', down )

app.bind( '<Return>', reset )

man = t.Tk()
man.title( 'manager' )
man.geometry( '200x120' )
man[ 'background' ] = '#ffffff'

lab = t.Label( man, text = u'壁の重複変数', font = ( 'Arial', 15 ), background = '#ffffff' ) x = 10, y = 10 )
ent = t.Entry( man, font = ( 'Arial', 15 ), width = 8, justify = t.CENTER )
ent.insert( 0, '4' ) x = 105, y = 9 )
btn = t.Button( man, text = u'迷路の再生成\n[ Enter ]', font = ( 'Arial', 18 ), background = '#d0ffd0' ) x = 10, y = 45, width = 180, height = 60 )

btn.bind( '<Button-1>', reset )
man.bind( '<Return>', reset )







次: 迷路制作(4) 思い出しがてらアーキテクチャの見直し

